Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Progressivism Explains Papal Embrace of Other Religions

Many Roman Catholics in the United States were puzzled by the aggressive embrace of non-Catholic and non-Christian religions and religious leaders that Pope Benedict XVI made throughout his recent visit to America. In this he was clearly following in the path of Pope John Paul II and Pope Paul VI.

Since Vatican II in fact, the Roman Catholic Church has radically altered its view of non-Catholic "religions" even to the extent of claiming that the Holy Spirit utilizes them in a salvific way--an idea which prior to the second Vatican Council was clearly understood as having been anathematized. While the Roman Catholic Church pre-Vatican II consistently held that non-Catholics could through invincible ignorance be saved, she was unswerving in her doctrinal teaching that schismatic and apostate groups were inherently illegitimate.

In an attempt to force what has become a pan-religious ecumenism or false unity, Progressivists who now control the Roman Catholic Church have succeeded in destroying all pre-existent dogmatic/doctrinal elements which for almost 2000 years characterized the Roman Catholic faith. This has allowed the very highest Vatican prelates including Popes to welcome into the newly created (Church of Christ) fold virtually every religion including atheists.

By completely endorsing the intellectually bankrupt modern philosophies which emanated out of the Enlightenment (by definition a system designed to replace Christianity) Progressivists have repudiated Thomism and with it all of scholastic philosophy and Traditional Roman Catholic Theology. The Aristotelian/Thomistic synthesis has been abandoned in the realm of moral and dogmatic Theology by the neo-Modern Progressivists who now control the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church--note that Pope Benedict XVI has famously said that he rejects Thomism as too limiting. This loss of orientation largely explains why homosexually active Priests and Bishops have not been eliminated, why the Church has been subjected to a homosexual abuse crisis of monumental proportions and why the contemporary Catholic Church is virtually devoid of doctrinal/dogmatic stability. Why would any thougtful person be attracted to a religion with no immutable principles in either the moral or dogmatic realm? We should not be surprised that millions of Catholics have left the Church.

--Dr. J. P. Hubert

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What/Where is the Roman Catholic Church?

In light of Traditional Catholic dogma/doctrine, how should the Second Vatican Council be viewed ? Is it consistent with Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and prior Magisterial teaching?

What explains the tremendous amount of "bad fruit" which has been forthcoming since the close of the Council in 1965? “By their fruits you shall know them” (Matt. 7:16)

This site explores these questions and more in an attempt to place the Second Vatican Council in proper perspective.